amended and restated declaration for mariners point condominium (pdf)
Downloadamended and restated bylaws for mariners point condominium (pdf)
DownloadMPCA Property Management Requirements (pdf)
DownloadLeasing Restiction Amendment 10-31-22 (pdf)
DownloadMariners Point - Service Option 06-01-2022 to 05-31-2023 (pdf)
DownloadMPCA Rules and Regs 6-27-23 (pdf)
DownloadMariners Point - Parking Lot Side - Walkways and Stair Tower Insp Rpt (pdf)
DownloadMariners Point LakesideDecks-HighPriorityFindings-2023 (pdf)
DownloadMariners Point - Lakeside decks Insp Rpt 2 (pdf)
DownloadGlobex Drawing for poles 7053-001 (pdf)
DownloadGlobex drawing for poles 7053-002 (pdf)
DownloadKC Mariners Point Condo - deck repair responsibilities - Board 6-15-2023 (pdf)